
Modeling Branch Mode, Embed Updates, dbt Schema Switching, Download Dashboards, and Workbook Updates

March 28, 2024

Modeling: Branch Mode #

Users can now seamlessly switch between branches and merge changes into a shared model, streamlining collaborative workflows. This functionality mirrors typical developer workflows, enhancing efficiency and organization.

Create a new branch
Branch mode banner

Embed Updates #

Custom Theming #

Users can now enjoy custom themes, including background gradients and border radius stylings. Custom theme properties such as dashboard background and tile styling are now available, providing greater flexibility in embedded dashboard customization.

Custom Theme Dashboard Example
Custom Theme URL Builder

Vanity Domains #

Users can implement vanity domains for privately embedded implementations of Omni. Vanity domains solve third-party cookie issues in certain use cases enabling a seamless login experience for users using browsers like Safari. If you're interested in enabling this feature on your Omni app, reach out at, we would love to set this up for you!

Vanity domains

dbt Schema Switching (beta) #

dbt Schema Switching empowers users to transition between Omni pointing at either development or production schemas, facilitating coordination of changes across dbt and Omni models and content.

Download Dashboards #

Introducing the ability to download dashboards. Users can conveniently download dashboards as a PDF or a ZIP of CSV files.

Workbook: Table Updates #

Users can now resize values in a column by using the "wrap" option in the calculations menu. Offers users better presentation of fields that contain values that may have multiple lines or have long text.

Conditional value formatting allows users to select a single color or a color gradient to highlight value differences with color.