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dbt IDE in beta, dedicated topic files, colors for dimensions, custom Analytics reports, and lots more new features

December 19, 2024

Now in beta: the dbt IDE! #

With the now-in-beta dbt IDE, you can interact with your entire dbt repo right inside Omni! Navigate your models and edit and run dbt SQL, all without toggling between tools. 


Check out the demo and let us know if you’re interested in taking it for a spin.

Color modeling for dimensions #

In last week’s demos, we showed off the ability to maintain consistent coloring for dimensions:


To do this, use the new colors parameter:


And then, in the workbook, add the field to the chart’s Color field:


Note that this feature is currently in beta; the parameter syntax may change. We also plan to add a UI-based option for defining colors, which will push down into the model.

Topic files #

Each topic you create will now have its own dedicated file, viewable in the Topics section of the IDE:


This change allows you to access and modify topics without needing to scroll through a potentially long model file.

Additionally, to support this update, the model file topics parameter has been deprecated. Topics created before this change will continue to function as they always have, meaning you don’t have to migrate to dedicated topic files to keep working. However, you won’t be able to add the topics parameter to any new models.

Check out the updated topic documentation for more info.

Reference raw columns in filters #

We’ve added a new filter type that allows you to model injected SQL and create flexible column pickers:


Once defined, the filter-only field will then display in the field picker and can be used like any other filter. In this example, we can quickly change the dimension in the analysis:


… And get an updated measure value, all without needing to add additional fields first!

View results and charts, together! #

The new Both button in the workbook, accessible in drafts and published documents, allows you to view the results of a query and its visualization at the same time:


Create custom reports in your instance’s Analytics section (and a new out of the box embed usage dashboard) #

Custom reports are now supported for your instance’s Analytics section. We've also opened up the ability to add schedules and alerts to any analytics content.


And as an added bonus for our customers leveraging embed capabilities, there's a new out of the box dashboard specific to embed adoption.

embed analytics

Add context to tabs and tiles with descriptions #

You can now add descriptions to workbook tabs and dash tiles. Click the tab, Rename, and enter a description.

The descriptions will show when you hover over a tab in the workbook:


And on the associated dashboard tile after you click the tile’s options menu (three dots), then Show description:


And now, some honorable mentions: #

  • New option for KPI visualizations allows you to select the 2nd from last value to compare against

  • Two new table/Excel-style calculations are available:

    • EOMONTH - Finds the end of the month for a given date or datetime

    • IFERROR - Returns a specified value if a formula returns null due to an error

  • You can now sort data in results tables when subtotals are enabled!

  • Sections in IDE files can be collapsed for easier viewing. Hover over the caret next to a section and click to fold/unfold. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to fold or unfold all sections in a file:

    • Fold - Command + K, Command + 0

    • Unfold - Command + K, Command + J