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Smarter AI, New Editing Workflow, SQL Enhancements and More

November 14, 2024

Teachable + Conversational Blobby AI

Omni’s query AI helper (Blobby) just got smarter! Blobby (like any great analyst) works best when they have some context about a dataset. So now you can teach Blobby just that with a new topic-level `ai_context` parameter and field-level context via descriptions. The `ai_context` parameter can give Blobby sample questions and answers, background information about the dataset, instructions for what to do (or not do), and any other information you think Blobby should know when answering questions. Further, Blobby is now able to hold a conversation. Next time you take Blobby for a spin, try asking them questions like "what should I ask about this data? what follow-up questions should I ask next? can you explain how you got this answer?" See the demo here.

Tip: admins can also check out the types of questions users are asking by heading over to the Analytics dashboard - this can help guide what additional context Blobby might benefit from to best serve your users' questions.


New Editing Workflow (Beta)

Coming soon to all Omni customers, a new editing workflow that allows users to make edits to documents as a draft before publishing changes. This will replace the current editing workflow. If you'd like to take the beta for a spin to get an early look at this workflow, reach out to (or message us in your Slack channel).

publish screenshot

SQL Enhancements

Love SQL? So do we! We’ve improved autocomplete functionality in the SQL box to make it even more delightful to write (check out the demo). We’ve also introduced SQL tabs so that users can write the dialect of their database in a new and improved experience. Keep watching this space, our SQL results will soon become interactive too!

Visualization Updates

Out of the box region maps

Omni now offers region-based mappings for countries and US states out of the box, and you can create custom maps by specifying an endpoint that returns region data complying to either the GeoJSON or TileJSON specifications. Read more in our documentation about all the options.

region maps
X/Y - Axis Improvements

Lots of new toggles to make axes exactly right. Now you can hide/show ticks, the axis line, and more. We also polished up the default date time formats on x-axis to make it more intelligent and easier to read. 

custom ticks
Size controls in our advanced Vega Lite spec available

This opens up the opportunity for trellising with some hand tuning of sizing. This is a precursor to trellis / grid visualization controls natively in vis. Check out the demo.

White-labeling Scheduled Emails

By setting up a “Custom sender email”, you can now send customer facing emails from Omni with your own email domain. (Check out the demo) To enable the functionality for your organization reach out to 

Single Select Filters in Model

Now string fields in the model can explicitly be set to single-select dropdowns by inserting `filter_single_select_only: true` in the field. This allows for cleaner usage of items like filter-only fields for templated filters or parameterization. Check out the demo.

User Specific Timezones

By enabling “Allow User-Specific Timezones” on a connection, users can explicitly set their own timezones from their Account page in Omni. This also includes controls for setting user-specific timezones on the fly in embedded contexts. Watch the demo.

user timezone

Change to "Between" Date Filters

We've updated the behavior of "between" date filters a bit - the start + end times are now inclusive for dates. If you have time included in the filter, the end date is still exclusive. Don't worry - this won't change anything for existing content you have saved.
