Query API alpha, table enhancements, controls for controls and lots more!
July 12, 2024
Eight-pack of new code this week
Query API
Ask us to kick the tiresOur new query API in alpha - take the Omni model anywhere you like. Still refining the API, but can start opening up early testers.
Table Refinements
Coming soonMore table controls and refinement. We're still hammering out the last pieces of making Omni data tables feel amazing. Better resize, better renaming, alignment controls, and more.
Custom Dashboard Cards
LaunchedSome new code for dashboard cards - a really nice way to present data across a list different objects with many attributes
Controls for Controls – Multi-Tile Controls
LaunchedThe launch of controls for controls. Now day/month/quarter selectors, or field selectors for an individual tile can be coordinated across many tiles. This opens up use cases like full dashboard time swapping, or currency toggling at the dashboard level - all without touching the data model.
Better Vis on Mobile
Coming soonSome experiments we are running to better handle legends on mobile - making sure they don't take up too much of the vis' space
Semi-Additive Measure Drilldown
LaunchedDrilling for semi-additive measures - doing the hard stuff to make them 'just work'
Sum Distinct, Average Distinct
LaunchedSum distinct and average distinct in the data model - now users can flexibly aggregate over non-primary keys