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Unlimited downloads, even more custom visualizations in markdown, better advanced visualization UX, and more

August 16, 2024

Seven new demos this week:

  • The launch of unlimited downloads, including formatted or unformatted toggle, and custom row limits. Also new affordances for hidden columns in result sets and how the are handled during export.

  • New functionality that allows markdown tiles to serve completely custom visualizations (non-Vega) using data in results + POST message framework to render custom iframes

  • Simpler UX for advanced visualizations, including retaining config with other UI vis config changes

  • Apply dashboard themes directly from the UI - no more JSON handling to apply dashboard themes

  • More magical dimension fill. Sometimes fill is desirable even with two dimensions (say date + day-of-week). Now rather than pairwise fill across both, Omni is smart and it all just works

  • Update vs save for query views - some better workflows for tuning query views while retain model underneath

Unlimited Downloads + Clean Modal

Launching this week

The launch of unlimited downloads, including formatted or unformatted toggle, and custom row limits. Also new affordances for hidden columns in result sets and how the are handled during export.

•Export, Workbook, Tables

Better Downloads with Hidden Columns

The launch of unlimited downloads, including formatted or unformatted toggle, and custom row limits. Also new affordances for hidden columns in result sets and how the are handled during export.

•Export, Workbook, Tables

Even More Custom Custom Visualizations via iFrame


New functionality that allows markdown tiles to serve completely custom visualizations (non-Vega) using data in results + POST message framework to render custom iframes

•Visualization, Workbook

Better Advanced Vis Saving


Simpler UX for advanced visualizations, including retaining config with other UI vis config changes

•Workbook, Visualization

Dashboard Themes Applied in UI


Apply dashboard themes (both internal BI and embed) directly from the UI - no more JSON handling to apply dashboard themes

•Dashboards, Embed

More Magical Dimension Fill


More magical dimension fill. Sometimes fill is desirable even with two dimensions (say date + day-of-week). Now rather than pairwise fill across both, Omni is smart and it all just works

•Workbook, Modeling

Update Query Views from UI


Update vs save for query views - some better workflows for tuning query views while retain model underneath

•Modeling, Workbook