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Embed dashboard linking, send to Google Sheets, calculations on SQL, and 11 more!

August 23, 2024

14 (?!) demos this week, lots of small improvements throughout the app and a few big new features:

  • New functionality to create links between embedded dashboards *inside* the iframe. No more tearing down and rebuilding iframes, just super fast linking to make navigation feel 100% native.

  • A pair of Zapier hooks to directly drop data into Google Sheets from Omni - functionality for both creating a new tab with data or overwriting the existing scheduled object.

  • More work on calculations and sorting of SQL results - all the Excel goodness on top of raw SQL queries. Also some nice improvements to space management for SQL including drag sizing on the SQL block.

  • The near-launch of abstract model objects - allowing complex model and field layering, and setting up the groundwork for remote dependencies in the data model

  • Lots of new model and workbook functionality:

    • Topic descriptions - better metadata to help end users

    • Filter faceting control in the workbook - now filters on dashboard or the workbook can optionality filter other filters (or not)

    • Suggest from topic - for when you want to curate filter suggests based on a specific topic rather than the default behavior

    • A small change - now "on this day one year ago" will indeed return a day

    • The launch of dynamic connections in branches

    • New mode to write dbt SQL from the UI, including {{ }} references

  • A pair of vis improvements:

    • Advanced editor for pie charts

    • Multi-line support for axes labels, point labels, and fields names

  • A pair of embed improvements:

    • Embed themes can now be applied directly from the UI rather than requiring the URL builder to specify

    • Improvements to the SDK for vanity domains + a tool for URL building without the SDK

Dashboard Linking Inside the iFrame

New functionality to create links between embedded dashboards *inside* the iframe. No more tearing down and rebuilding iframes, just super fast linking to make navigation feel 100% native

•Dashboards, Embed

Google Sheets Scheduler Destination

A pair of Zapier hooks to directly drop data into Google Sheets from Omni - functionality for both creating a new tab with data or overwriting the existing scheduled object.

•Dashboards, Scheduler

SQL Improvements - Resize Window + Early Work on Spreadsheets

More work on calculations and sorting of SQL results - all the Excel goodness on top of raw SQL queries. Also some nice improvements to space management for SQL including drag sizing on the SQL block.

•Workbook, Sql

dbt SQL in the UI

New mode to write dbt SQL from the UI, including {{ }} references for simple push down to dbt

•Sql, Workbook, Dbt

Embed URL Builder Improvements

Especially for Vanity Domains

Improvements to the SDK for vanity domains + a tool for URL building without the SDK


Model Layering / Extending with Abstract

The near-launch of abstract model objects - allowing complex model and field layering, and setting up the groundwork for remote dependencies in the data model


Topic Descriptions

Topic descriptions - better metadata to help end users

•Workbook, Modeling

Workbook Filter Faceting Controls

Filter faceting control in the workbook - now filters on dashboard or the workbook can optionality filter other filters (or not)

•Workbook, Modeling

Filter Suggestion From Topic Controls

Suggest from topic - for when you want to curate filter suggests based on a specific topic rather than the default behavior

•Modeling, Workbook, Filters, Dashboards

Dynamic DB Connections in the UI

The launch of dynamic connections in branches allowing swapping to different databases directly from the workbook or dashboard for more complex use cases

•Modeling, Workbook

Multi-Line Text Support for Vis

Multi-line support for axes labels, point labels, and fields names

•Workbooks, Visualization

Embed Theme Controls in the UI

Embed themes can now be applied directly from the UI rather than requiring the URL builder to specify

•Embed, Dashboards

On This Day One Year / Month / etc Ago

A small change - now "on this day one year ago" will indeed return a day; ie periods will not return the full period, rather than the specific date.


Advanced Editor for Pie Charts

•Workbook, Visualization