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Looker migration, Tables (Row Height, Markdown), Conditional Formatting, & more

March 15, 2024

Looker Migration

A complete demo of migrating a Looker data model to Omni. Dashboard migration is also possible, but wasn't demoed live

Jamie DavidsonJamie Davidson•Modeling, Administration, Workbook, Dashboard


Row Height, Markdown

Lots of progress on improving tables in Omni. A first look at variable height rows (read: big rows), in-line images, in-line links, and even tables-in-tables.

Richard CzechowskiRichard Czechowski•Table, Visualization, Workbook, Dashboard

Conditional Formatting

New functionality for banding and capping with conditional formatting.

Jamie DavidsonJamie Davidson•Table, Visualization, Workbook, Dashboard

Vanity URLs

The end of third party cookies for embedding. Now Omni dashboards can use vanity URLs to match the parent domain and avoid third-party cookies and more restrictive browser issues.

Gustav StapransGustav Staprans•Embed, Administration

Auto-Scaling Infrastructure

More work to allow auto-scaling for Omni's infrastructure. This ensures maximum performance for even the heaviest workloads.

Brian FrantzBrian Frantz•Performance, Administration

Text() Formulas

Bringing all the goodness of formatting in the formula to Omni, now the TEXT() function is available. Often useful when concatenating formatted data and text in a cell.

Cathy LennonCathy Lennon•Calcs, Workbook

Query Throttling

Lots of work on keeping query pipelines sustainable. Here we demo some work to open up controls for user and organizational level query throttling to ensure the database isn't over-exercised

Jonathan SwensonJonathan Swenson•Administration, Performance

Folder Tagging

More work on organizing dashboards and workbooks, here bringing the tag system to folders.

Luke BowermanLuke Bowerman•Content Discovery